Certainty of Delivery
This performance stage is all about getting the efficiency of your producing assets back to where it once was. “Get your assets humming again” or “Let’s get back to the basics” are the kinds of phrases you might hear from us.
The desired endpoint of this stage can be described in each of our four dimensions (People, Plant, Process, and Potential):
People are motivated by effective leadership. Staff and contractors will have the skills and motivation to ensure that the asset is performing reliably and repeatably, and that it is keeping in line with expectations. We can help define a “line-of-sight” for staff to understand how their individual efforts will impact business outcomes.
The hardware of your asset (reservoir, wells, flowlines, facilities) should be in “fit-for-purpose” shape in order to ensure low cost of ownership across its remaining lifecycle, with full consideration of personal safety and process safety risks. We will help you build a systematic approach to keeping your assets in this “sweet spot”.
All critical aspects of your business will be planned and executed in an efficient and repeatable manner, adding standardization where it makes the most sense. Your people will come to understand the key processes that they are involved with, the particular roles they play, and the overall expectations from leadership.
A business potential review of each asset will determine if further investment is warranted, or if the next step should be either divestment or abandonment. Underperforming elements will be turned around.
Examples of “Certainty of Delivery” projects with Floris partners in a leadership role:
Total Asset Reliability Improvements Project – Gulf of Mexico
Late-life Asset Management Project – North Sea
Asset Integrity/ Process Safety Improvement Project – Global
Maintenance Excellence Project – Onshore California
Maintenance Improvement Project – Onshore unconventional
Develop Operations Transition Plan – Mature Deepwater Assets GOM
Due Diligence Exercises (multiple) – Onshore Unconventional Operations USA
Decommissioning and Restoration Liability Reduction Project - Global